Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tall, Dark & Handsome

Our eyes met. First reaction: What a gorgeous-looking man.
He looks familiar. Wait, i know who he is. He's the suave swimming instructor i always see when i go swimming. What an eye candy.
He looks better without his swimsuit. This is the first time i see him wearing normal clothes.
I've never imagined him to be that tall. He seemed to be of a rather small frame when in water.
Tall, dark and handsome. He should go be a model!
Drool factor: 8/10

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Most Unsexy Being of All...

Whiny. Undecided. Attention-seeking.
I dislike people who whine a lot. When people whine, i tune off. And when men whine, i feel them turning into lizards and cockroaches -- to be shunned upon sight with fright and disgust.
Call me a feminist, which i don't think i am, but i find it totally unsexy when men whine. Of course I'm not saying that whining is a prerogative of females. But somehow when men do it, it seems to add an effeminate streak to them. That they're not able to take things in their stride. Men, being the macho beings that they are SUPPOSED to be, should be calm, collected and unshaken by trivial, inconsequential things. Nothing is SUPPOSEDLY too huge to ruffle their stately shoulders. When met with problems, they are SUPPOSED to just think coolly and solve them. Hassle-free. (Okay, i have my own stereotypes about men. How they should and should not behave. We all do. Not going to be apologetic about that.)
What makes a whiny man more unsexy is one who is undecided at the same time.
"Yes, i feel like doing this, but there are so many other things to consider. Yes, i should. No, i shouldn't. Yes. No. Yes. No."
The march of "yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes". Regimental yet wavering.
Keep the march for the National Service. And i thought NS is supposed to turn wimps into winners.
Apparently there are some cracks that need mending.
The world is already bad enough a place with women having PMS. I don't think we need unmanly men to add to that.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Weirdos Us All...

I'm weird..The only consolation that i get is that knowing that...you're weird too...
Hate as i to admit it, yes, i think we're really strange creatures, each and everyone of us.
Weird in our little ways. Some weirder than the rest, in the eyes of others.
And sometimes i wonder if we think other people are weird because they've less sucked into systems we call institutions, less caught up in rules, regulations and norms.
Marriage, as an institution in Singapore, states that one man can only marry one woman. But who made it that anyway?
Who ever said a man must be married to a woman? Who said a man can only marry one woman? Who said a man cannot marry another man? Who said a woman can only have a husband?
Aren't we just animals all the same? Free to have more than one mate?
People who do otherwise are given names, "adulterous", "abnormal" or simply just "eeekkkss".
People who don't fit into classroom teaching. Are they weird, or is it that they're less programmed to follow the rules and regulatiosn that the rest are wired to?
Who are the "normal" people? What if the people from IMH are really the only normal ones?
Ha. Sorry. I'm just thinking too much. Please don't think i'm weird.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Facing the Book...

Facebook is not my friend. I don't know him. He doesn't know me.
I've been trying really hard to know him but i think he's playing hard to catch.
And I've tried coaxing him to pinch others, make vampires out of them but he simply refused.
What a loyal friend.
So it might be my loss if i don't try to get to know him. So i'll try again.
But still, the mention of him makes my blood boil.
At the same time, he sets my heart racing whenever he acknowledges my presence by sending invitations to me at times.
What should i do about him? Help!