Sunday, September 23, 2007

Bah-bah-dum di-dum

It's as much a pleasure as it is a torture when you have that much internal rhythm in you.
It's so much a blessing when you feel so much joy listening to music, singing and dancing.
Music and dance are in my blood. And that's when i feel the most alive.
I watched Hairspray yesterday. It wasn't a fantastic musical. Much catered to the teens crowd, it has a simple plot, with the usual accoutrements of the underdogs, puppy love and inequality.
But i still enjoyed the movie, purely for the music and dance in it.
I was tapping my feet throughout the show. I wanted to dance while watching it, but of course i couldn't do that in public. That's why i say having so much internal rhythm can be a torture too. I wanted to stand up on the seat, and dance and sing.
I dreamt about being a star, performing as the light shone on me, doing the shimmers and singing honeyed tunes.
Such wondrous torture. Such painful pleasure.
The gift of music and dance.

Colour Me Bad...

I'm back...with just another post after soooooo long. I can't help it. Guess i've been working very hard. Trying to play hard too, but nowadays, i gotta admit i'm quite a LOSER. A lot more work, much less play. With life so unhappening, i decided it needed some spicing up.
I decided that my legs ain't colourful enough. I mean, it's only beige and ain't quite pretty. So i decided to add some colour to them. Red. Blue. And Purple.
And i did it using one of the most unconventional methods. Not with coloured pens or poster colours. My method took but only three seconds: heels got caught in my pants, went into kneeling position before tumbling down four to five steps. Thump! Thump! Thump!
There! Done! Takers anyone?
Warning: Super effective as a colour enhancer. Colours only wear off after 3 weeks or so. Not removable before that. Initial excruciating pain expected, especially in the immediate ten seconds after.
P/s: This method is also a good test of balance. I was amazed at how i managed to stay in the prayer position throughout the five steps down. At that instant, i had a better understanding of the term "Stairway to heaven".