Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Pot of Laughter

Things that tickled me yesterday while i was reading the papers:

1) "Two points below bird flu"
-- Chat-show host Jay Leno on President George W. Bush's popularity rating.

I can't wait to see his butt out of the White House. Really don't fancy the idea of the world's most powerful man flaming antagonism and war with a frivolous click of his fingers.

2) Angelina Jolie is expecting Brad Pitt's baby and is a "presumable shoo-in for Sexiest Offspring Alive".

Before the baby is cute, it is sexy. Talk about projection and extrapolation. Aren't things going too fast?!

The Straits Times, Prime section
3) Salesman charged with appearing nude
The 29-year-old is arrested after his neighbours complained that he walked around naked in HIS flat. He has been charged with nine counts of appearing nude in public view in a PRIVATE place under the Miscellaneous Offence (Public Order and Nuisance) Act.

Is the bathroom the only place to be nude in Singapore then? Pity the nudist-wannabes. Isn't it scary that your house is considered public as long as people can see you from their flats? Drape your house well, you nudists out there! Make it as air-tight as possible! Don't even let an ant in, in case it's a peeping tom sent by your neighbour. Anyone said anything about the remnants of privacy in Singapore?


At 11:38 PM, Blogger whysohappy said...

hmmm...monarchy system got problem hor...Anyway since the crown prince is crowned king already, there will be a new crown prince to take over the newly crowned but ailing king lor...ha...


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