Tuesday, December 06, 2005

My first family trip!

My family is going on our first family trip abroad. A pity that my third sister couldn’t apply for leave on time to join us. I know she longs to go on this trip together. Our very first trip abroad. As a family.

My parents have been working hard all their lives to provide for us. It really is not easy raising four kids. Not to mention the fact that our parents had always been very supportive in whatever that we wanted to learn – swimming, art lessons, piano classes etc. I only learnt to appreciate the fact that they were working so hard for us only when I started to work. Making money really is like trekking mountains after mountains, an uphill task without respite.

But as a child, I resented the fact that they were busy and had no time for me, at all. They were tending their shop seven days a week, eleven hours every day. I once made a comment as a 7-year-old that made my aunt cry: “I don’t get to see dad. When I sleep at night, he’s not home yet. When I wake up, he’s still sleeping.” I resented that my friends could have a simple meal with their families, but I couldn’t. I resented my very deprived family life all to way to while I was studying in university.

But when you grow older, you start to come to terms with reality. I believe that everything in life is fair. That when you gain in some ways, you lose in others. I live very comfortably, with a maid to tend to the household chores since I was ten. But I never had the very close relationship that I longed for with my parents. Not as a child. Not as an adult now. Not in the future, I think. So for those of you who think I live like a tai-tai sometimes (which I do not!!), there’s a price to pay. The material comfort that I’m enjoying now really is a Pyrrhic victory of some sort. And frankly, giving up all the material comfort for a close knitted family is a steal that I will definitely settle for.

However, I’ve got to say that things have become better now. My parents are leading a much less hectic life since all of us have grown up and are working. Maybe it’s not too late to strike that match of family warmth yet, playing catch-up with the lost and stolen time from the past. I’m not sure how far we can go, but this family trip is sure one good head-start.

Don’t worry about me. I won’t wallow in self-pity about the lack of family warmth. I’ve done that for too long a time and have certainly looked beyond many things. And after all, I’m very close with my sisters and have a bunch of good pals to pour my heart out to. This very eternal optimist will certainly take things in her stride. “I try my best for everything but when things don’t work out my way, I have no regrets.” I’m strong!! Keke…


At 8:38 AM, Blogger Yollev said...

Gg where ah?? When ah?? keke...

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hate/Resentment is a burden. Once when one let go, one do not feel e pressure anymore". I read something like tat somewhere before. But doing it, is not as easy as it seem. Hmm.. But anyway now u can go on a trip, better than nothing in the end. Remember, we cannot move back to e past if we regret or miss out something.. By e way, where u going on e trip? buy things back for us leh..hahahahaha.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger whysohappy said...

going bangkok la...short trip only 4 days...15th to 18th dec...want to buy anything??

no lah i really don't haf tt feeling of resentment at all now..certain things in life couldn't be helped i guess..
heehee u buy stg back from jakarta n i'll get u stg from bangkok...deal?? keke..

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello gal... i only be back in 23dec leh, so either way u have to buy first. Actually i spotted wat to get for u n ting.. but hor a bit over budget leh, unless count as christmas present..plus e thing i spotted i dunno whether u have it already or not, wait u have duplicate haha. It piano score book. hahaha. So u have to crack ur brain n think wat to buy for me liao. Haha I dun mind some accessories for a PDA :P

I know u mature liao:P but just telling u tat just dun start growing resentment at a early stage.

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Yollev said...

wor… haha...
then i wait for yr gift from BKK ok? haha... when we meet up for xmas, we exchange... you wan my gift from taiwan rite? hahahaha...

一手交钱, 一手交货…

At 5:01 PM, Blogger Slacker said...

me going bangkok too... in 22-26.. hahahha....

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's really meaningful to organise such a trip for the family.. Even though i have a big family, five slibings, but seems like none are at home during weekends.. Everyone has other commitments, esp that's when that's the only time to do our own stuff.
Mon to Fri is just work... Dragging tired body back home, shower, eat and sleep. Sometimes, i don't even have the energy to converse with my parents.. Just wanted to stay quiet and let my mind rest... I regretted not able to spend more time with them eversince i started working. Perhaps i should quickly organising another family trip out of Singapore, be it Malaysia or where.. Spend few full days with them.

At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

家家有本难念的经。I guess for most of us, family is a big part of our life. It is also a large part that shapes us. No matter what, don't let it affect your jovial personality (this i should know, family life has affected me in ways that can be somewhat unimaginable). What's more important is to look towards the future and not repeat history with your future family. :)


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