Friday, November 11, 2005

I just can't...can't

I just can't do it. Keep my mouth shut and not sing, that is. Yes, i have a problem with that. I was blasting my mp3 player on my way home after piano lesson. I was in a hyper sprightly mood cos my teacher said, AGAIN, that she's very happy with my improvement. Heehee.

I don't know if she's just trying to encourage me but she said the pieces that i'm playing now are about diploma standard. That means i could probably take my dip exam end of next year! Keeping my fingers crossed. (Dear Ti-gong, tolong, tolong, please let me do it by end next year while i'm still in nie. I want to do it before my world crashes when the kids infiltrate my world and bring everything to a standstill.)

Ok, i digressed. My mind always goes on a whirlwind tour round the world, peeking at puny, tiny corners, before coming back. Heehee, so, back to my irrepressible urge to oil my vocal machinery ever so often. As i was saying, i was blasting my mp3 player on my way home after piano lesson. I was in my oldies mood, and Elvis was the perfect partner for that moment. Fell in love with him after i saw his '67 (i think) concert on SCV. Suave, smooth and soulful. If i were at his concert, i'm pretty sure i would not only go weak in my knees. My entire being will disintegrate. Yes, you have to see him work his charm before you could understand why girls, aunties and grandmothers alike swoon over him. Ok, i digressed again. "You were always on my mind" was playing. (Am still trying to figure out how to post songs on my blog. Yollev, help me leh). I'll always be totally engaged and engrossed in the song. Always.

Up next was Eternal Flame by The Bangles. I was about 50 metres away from home after alighting from the bus. I was pretty sure no one's around when the most angsty, highest register was about to come on, the part "is this burning an eternal flame". Cleared my throat and there i went..."an eternal..." before i could finish singing, i spotted a dark shadow behind me. Shoot. A secondary school kid was behind me, talking on the phone. He gave me a disgusted look. Real or imagined, i don't want to find out.

To say that i was sore with embarrassment would not sufficiently connate my total loss of face at that point in time. I was singing my heart out. Meaning that i sang out loud. VERY loud. The only hiding place i could see was a pillar nearby. "No, just walk on. Don't try to run or hide," i told myself. Composed myself and walked on. When things go bad, they can only go worse. He had to take the same lift with me! Using my telepathic eyes, i spoke to him: "Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you want, silently. Just don't let me hear it aloud."

Yes, now i've learnt: the only place you should attempt to sing is in the bathroom and at ktv lounge. Public domain is a big no-no because you'll never know when a head will pop out.


At 9:56 AM, Blogger Slacker said...

LIEW... you hor..... throw face.. heng he's not your student leh... wait til he spread the news to all his frens....

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Yollev said...

cannot tag here leh... i sent to your email...


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