Monday, September 26, 2005

Happy Days

I must be sounding stupid here. To blog about my triumph over the slippery slopes of East Coast Park. Yeah!!! I finally managed to swish my way from one slope to another, without hanging on to anybody for my dear life. I can finally blade my way to Bedok Jetty! Yes! I’ve done it! After numerous near break-bone incidents, a.k.a butt-splitting, elbow-twisting, knee-scratching falls. It’s a triumph of some sort. And triumphs always feel empowering, even if they belong to the midget-y category. Yeah!! Yippy!! Hoorayyy!!!

Sorry, I’m being frivolous. I just came back from East Coast Park. Ha! Don’t know why I simply love going there. It takes me 1.5 hrs just to get there. Maybe I’m born to love the sea. One day, I shall arm myself with a book and my trusty mp3 player and sit at the breakwater the whole day by myself. Enjoying the breeze, reading, reflecting. Yes, my idea of enjoying life. I want to stay in the East!! Sobz…

On the wee hours of Saturday morning, I found myself on Teng’s bed, drifting between dreamland and eavesdropping on what Teng, Qing and Keow were talking. I’m not eavesdropping exactly. Their thunderous laughter and banter could probably wake and shake the whole estate, let alone this poor soul who was sleeping just right behind them.

So at 3 a.m., this kaypoh gal woke up and joined them as they flipped through the moments of utmost joy and fun. It is always amusing flipping through the photo albums that captured our secondary school days.

Our sec. two camp was one we would never forget. Our class scored the highest points for the camp. The camaraderie and class spirit would never be fully captured on paper. You’ll have to see it to feel it. How united a class could be. We cheered our voice hoarse. Even toilet washing was a happy affair as we hummed in chorus to the tune of “There was a stream” on the third day of the camp. We trounced other classes flat. (Haha, those of you who are not from 204, sorry for this arrogance. But I guess we really felt so proud then!)

However, even the best memories fade with time. I couldn’t remember the details of the camp anymore, apart from the fact that I had a jolly good time. But i really loved that class. And our form teacher loved it enough to cry on our last day of school. Yes, imagine! I think I’m going to start blogging whatever I could remember from my secondary school days. They were certainly the best days of my life.


At 11:46 PM, Blogger Slacker said...

ha....... i still had to stagger across the grass when i encounter the humps at ECP....

At 10:41 PM, Blogger Mao Tou Ying said...

That day was fun though I fell 3 times!! oh gosh, my butt still hurts now!


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