Saturday, September 03, 2005

The day of deafening silence

Make sure you keep a straight face for a week. So that the kids know that you're not someone to mess around with.
And so the advice went. So that's what i'll be doing on my first day of school.
I finally know which school I'm posted to. Boon Lay Sec. When MOE says they'll let you know one week beforehand, take them seriously. They really keep to that tight time-frame very well. Rather parsimonious when it comes to giving trainee teachers like us more time to prepare for the syllabus, i thought.
Can't they tell us which level we'll be teaching maybe two weeks in advance? I mean I've not touched Chemistry for a good seven years. Alarm bells should be ringing for them. Are they really thinking that i can wear the hat and perform the act without drawing flak?
I'm not a magician!
And I'm certainly not some chemical that you can pour into a test-tube, mix with another chemical and jot down immediately "Effervescence and white ppt observed. Gives a "pop" when a burning wooden splinter is inserted into test-tube."
Okay, not a good analogy. I'm trying too hard, but i think you get the drift.
All right. Enough of complaining.
Just bought an English grammar book from Kino. Cost me a freakin 34 bucks. But it's a good investment. I don't think it's a good idea to teach the kids the wrong stuff. Or rather, I'm don't want to be remembered as the "teacher who taught the wrong things". I'll be scarred for life.
Next week -- my final week of freedom -- i'll need to do some shopping. I'll need new pairs of shoes, probably a few pairs of trousers.
My existing ones are too fitting for my comfort, knowing that i'll have forty pairs of eyes staring at my back when i'm writing on the whiteboard.
I'll try to be conservative in dressing. Hee.


At 3:53 AM, Blogger Serene Huang said...

so that's what you bought at Kino!!! Ahhh-soooo...

At 4:28 AM, Blogger Little Red Dotter said...

I would love to sit in one of your classes, Miss Yee!! Kekeke.. ;)

At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

try not to make them more blur :P

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Slacker said...

ehheheh jitter bugs jitter bugs...
hmmm.. popular no have meh?? y go kino... so ex...

Anyway, wana go shopping spree?? im in the mood...

At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ms Yee

All the best in you class. =) Kick some ass, and rem not to be too sweet and nice at 1st glance to yr kids. =P

Frm the evil one

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Tell the kids better not bully you, say you got a lot of ah lians friends who will bash them up if they did....

now we are sure they will treat you with more 'respect'

Good Luck! (^++++^)

At 12:19 AM, Blogger Yollev said...

rem ah, dun te-gan those students!
call trashbin to rehearse haha...

At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ms "Fish"
Beside grammar, also impt to note sentence structure. The other time, I had this British Speaker who specialise in effective business writing. He criticise most sporeans, businessmen, bankers, teachers cannot form a good structure of the statements. Better be careful eh:P. But he's right, from young we pay too much attention to spelling, vocab, grammar but we often ignore how sentences should be formed correctly....sad thing to say... only the ministers have the skills.. BTW he taught our current PM

Good luck to ur new start..!!


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