Monday, August 29, 2005


She left hurriedly.

A careless goodbye and there she was with PS at the departure queue waiting to clear her passpart. I did not even have the chance to give her a hug. Or rather, she probably chose not to embrace us for fear of its catalytic effect on tears.

She turned around, catching one last look of her loved ones before boarding the flight. Controlled emotions finally succumbed to the unbearable sadness of separation and tears flowed carelessly and ceaselessly down her crumbled face.

Yukie is not one who cries easily. She's the kind who'll laugh at friends when she sees them cryingover emotional scenes inside the cinema. (I could still remember how she turned over to look at my teared face before reclining to her seat with both hands covering her mouth to contain her laughters. Yoke, don't do that next time lah! Let me cry in peace can??!)

But that night, she probably broke down more than three times. Needless to say, we the united crybabies of the world -- me, Teng and Qing -- were not spared the tears. Teng's contact lense even came off, thanks to her well of tears. Keow and Qian, however, were more rational and cool-headed. They knew Yukie's departure was a mere respite from Singapore.

Keow made a photo album for Yukie. (She didn't sleep the nite before cos of that. The album, naturally, was of authentic "Made by Keow" quality: extremely high standard with exquisite paper flower carvings!! Applause for Keow!!) Five of us penned our well wishes and feelings for Yukie. It contained moments from the past 12 years. How fate first brought us together to study at BP. How popular the M-shaped fringe (think Aaron Kwok the newbie) used to be. How silly we used to look. How we scared ourselves silly at the haunted East Coast Chalet. Right up to the barbecue we had recently. The album would probably make a very good companion.

There she was at the departure area. We walked along with them (outside the gate of cos!) till their shadows disappeared from our sight. Goodbye, my dear pal! Cheers to a new journey!

The five of us remained at Changi Airport. Talked and talked. Talked and talked. Till it was eleven plus. Boarded bus 36 and decided to continue with our chats at some 24-hr joints. It's been a long time we had such gathering, just to talk.

Tick, tock, tick, tock. Two a.m. Talked and talked. Tick, tock, tick, tock. 4 a.m. Still talking. Tick, tock, tick, tock. 6 a.m. STILL TALKING. Hungry. Headed down to McDonalds for breakfast. Carried on talking. 7:40 a.m, we finally left.

What did they say about women? That they're synonamous with a market. I absolutely agree.'s really been so long since we've chatted like this. Ever since an unhappy incident some years back. Now that we're back together, surely we have that prerogative to chat for as long as we like, right? EH RIGHT??! (Wide-eye blink, blink, blink)

That incident will probably be the one and only glitch in our friendships. I'm absolutely positive about that cos we've all grown to be fine, young ladies who have no time for petty demeanours. Ahaha. Let's continue to build on what we have because I know we are still the 13-year-olds who are as sincere and true as before. Promise? (Give me your little finger :P)


At 9:09 AM, Blogger Yollev said...


i forgot to blog abt 五朵金花… eh... abit 耸… 五朵喇叭花… equally 耸… 哈哈…

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Slacker said...

oh ya... forgot abt the 5 golden flowers...
hahahah.. stupid bus driver

At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

now i know why u call urself "y so happy" cos u always sad...u really can flow...yuke must be all ur blog..yollev so poetic, ting is like writing tat "english writing". dunno the exact name or is that the morning journal we gotta write every morning during sec sch? who knows? can enlighted me?? zhen... u can go and write column liao cos some of ur engla so chim...."so how?? u so chio ..i beri scare.teacher dun scare me..i get my 369 to hoot u ah!"..thought of how to deal w such student? :p..hihihi--Trashbin

At 12:43 AM, Blogger whysohappy said...

gimme me analogies trashbin!! i need to be mentally prepared for all the rubbish i'm about to breathe in!! haha...

At 12:45 AM, Blogger whysohappy said...

oops forgot to add...trashbin...the book's called spontaneous writing. I still have them with me. From sec one to sec four! Had a gd time laughin over them.


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