Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Big 25

>>I (standing, 1st from right) turned 25 yesterday. Celebrated with my jc pals. Guess what? We all turned up in blue (no prior arrangement!) except the BM-ians.

I used to think that growing old is no big deal. Everyone reaches there some day.
That was why i never could understand why some people would go under the knife. Or why some suffer the grostesque pain of having a needle inserted under their skin just to get that "miracle" boost of botox.

But something struck me that day when i visited my grandma. It ran a chill down my spine.

I was chatting with her and i casually placed my hand over hers. Then, she suddenly remarked that my hand was so smooth compared to hers. At 84 (I think), there was no way her hands could be anything but wrinkled,saggy and full of old-age spots.
That particular frame stuck in my mind for a moment -- that juxtaposition of her hand against mine. Old and young. Wrinkled and smooth.

At that moment, i realised that i'm afraid of getting old! Yes, i am! So afraid of it!
It seems ludicrous to say this, but i think i finally understand why Emperor Qin wanted to find a pill for immortality. Growing old is scary enough and dying will be much worse, especially for someone who's at the brink of it.

The big 25 crept into my life yesterday. Not that i mind. Really! (I'm trying to convince myself, real hard). Because i know it's definitely better than 26, 27 or the BIGGER 30.

What happens when you're 25? I think i saw an alien creature called "cellulite" making some form of invasion around my butt area. Either that, or my eye-sight is starting to fail me. It's more of a consolation to believe that my eye-sight's lousy. Or maybe it's poor lighting? (That's even a better consolation. Paces up and down furiously and conclusively declares it to be so. Yippee!)

Your metabolic engine seems to stall more often, which explains why some fats congregate around the waist and butt, festering at amazing speeds. The hideous congregation drew bouts of laughter from my fellow dance mates during one of our social dance sessions.
Is it time to say bye-bye to my relentless chomp chomp?
Can i ever bear to kiss good-bye my weekly rendezvous with beloved cheese-cakes, chocolates, tiramisus, lagsane?

What happens when you're 25? You can't say that you're in your early twenties anymore when the ubiquitous, pesky surveyors ask for your age. You gotta tell them that you're in your "mid-twenties".
Another round of arghhh....

Aren't there any good about turning 25? Hmmm...let's see...
Well, at least you no longer stammer and stumble during important social occasions.
It's the age of self-assurance and confidence!You have the audacity to wear bright pink without batting an eyelid. You pose for the camera without that awkward smile.
You spend money with less guilt, knowing that you earn your keep.You travel the world without worries, knowing that your parents are less bothered about your safety now that you're older, wiser and more street-savvy. That's the quid pro quo that 25 offers you for taking away bits of your youth.

What's good about turning 25? Your years of friendship with friends just become longer! Again! I can now proudly say that fang, jeas and I have been friends for 16 years. Teng, yuke and the rest for 12 years. My gang of beautiful eight for 8 years. My girl gang from CS for 6 years. My lindy pals for 4 years.

Isn't that incredible? That's what age has to offer you: celebration of life -- year after year -- with people who are close to you for aeon. And i celebrated/ am going to celebrate my 25th bday with all of them! A BIG, BIG THANK YOU to all!! MUACK! =)

See, turning 25 is not bad after all! (Trying to console myself again).
Alan Tham likes 25 so much that he has faithfully clung on to that label for more than 20 to 30 years now.(His line: I'm 25 years old plus only a few days!) I think i should crown him as my new idol: he knows that 25 is the best age for anything and everything. So I'm gonna LAP IT UP! Or i hope i'm gonna to.

Eh...but I'm heading to the stores for the eye-cream, wrinkle-free cream, whatever cream to make me look young for as long as possible.
I'm still stuck with that frame of my grandma's hand and mine. (No irreverence intended!)


At 11:28 PM, Blogger Slacker said...

dun worry... we all grow old... anyway you are the youngest among us anyway... no use worrying about something that will happen to everyone


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