Wednesday, August 17, 2005

What carcinogenic pleasure!

Barbeques are great fun. On Saturday, we threw a farewell BBQ for Yukie. It's been a long time since we did this. The bbq was a great reminiscing tool. Memories from the past flooded my tiny brain that day.

Our days in secondary school, class chalets, outings to Marina South for kite-flying and steam-boats etc. Sat was exactly like the good 'ol days, where fun superceded anything and where raucous laughters abound.

The usual suspects for the day: chicken wings, otah, satay, bee hoon, sausages etc. Yummy! But of course words like "sumptuous", "delicious", "succulent" are only used during the inital stages of the bbq. Subsequently, non-palatable ones like "nausea", "bloated", "filled to the throat" spewed forth.

Ewwww! Eeeeks! No more food please! When everyone's full, it's time to play "Zhong Ji Mi Ma"! It's THE GAME to play to clear the leftovers. Super effective, funny, but extremely sadistic. I love playing it. Watching people's faces, crumbled with pure agony, when they have to eat when they're full. Is there better entertainment? Heehee...

But Saturday was my unlucky day. I did most of the eating. Luckily, like i always say: "My stomach is as big as the universe!!!" wasn't painful eating the leftovers. In fact, I quite enjoyed it! Hee =)

Super funny bbqs from the past
1) We were at East Coast bbqing using Qian's portable pit. All were in high spirits when raindrops started falling. Never mind. No problem. When great minds are together, ideas fly and combust.

We decided to shift the portable pit beneath the bbq pit provided at east coast so that our food was shielded from the rain. Great! So we squatted, a few with umbrellas in our hands, and continued with our bbq.

And like in all shows, the drizzle always becomes a heavy downpour. Our drama-mama show was no exception. Time to abort the mission. We ran and ended up at the underpass leading to east coast park.

Guess what? We bbq-ed at the underpass for the rest of that day, inviting stares from passers-by. What the hell!!? Who cares??! We're eating great bbq food and you can keep on staring!

2) Scene: Leftover bbq chicken wings, crying and dying to be eaten
Location: Pasir Ris Chalet
Year: Secondary 3, class chalet
Our sympathies were with the bbq chicken wings that were dying to be eaten on the evening of day 1. So we decided to keep them. So plates of bbq chicken wings laid all over the tiny chalet room.

Under the freezing air-con, the wings must have frozen to death. With wings so cold, nobody wanted to eat them, of course.

But things took a turn the afternoon of day 2. The guys were so hungry and with no food in sight, did the only thing to keep themselves alive.

That's right. They savaged the chicken wings, cold and untouched since the evening before. To the bones. Eewww! Ehhh...think i ate it too. Haha


At 1:36 PM, Blogger Yollev said...

I really peifu you haha...
you have good memory!!!
You missed the west coast BBQ that time... haha... 差点着火! haha... so funny...


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