Friday, November 18, 2005

Cold Sweat...

Call it the pre-agreement jitters. I'm going into NIE in Jan for my training and I'm supposed to sign the teacher training agreement soon. All these while, i've been pretty sure that this is what i want: to sign the agreement, go for training and then teach for as long as i could withstand.

However, as the day for signing draws closer, i start to feel unnerved. Unsettled. Three years is not exactly a short time. And I don't think i'm tackling the easiest of subjects, Eng and Chem. They just rejected my appeal to change to music. I admit i'm having cold feet now. Horrific thoughts of how i might not cope inundate my mind. I worry if i'll end up like one of those teachers who break down and end up in a mental institution. I worry if i'll be so busy marking papers that my weekends will be days to exercise only my wrist. I worry. I worry. I know i'm thinking too much.

And though i'm just signing away three years of my life, i guess i kind of glean on why some people get jitters before they sign on the dotted lines for marriage. It really is scary -- spending your life with someone for the rest of your life. While it seems that the sanctity and sacredness of marriage is on a slippery slope to frivolity and that many are opting out of it as easily as they opt in, it still will be a life-changing decision that will warrant many sleepless nights. At least for me. Eh not that i'll need to consider it any time soon. Like i say, I think too much, like all my gal friends.

To sign or not to sign. The conclusion is, I'll still sign it. Crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. Sometimes, it's really better to follow Nike's way of life. Forest Gump's philosophy's pretty sound too. But to combine them will work best for me now. Because life's like a box of chocolate and you'll never know what you'll get, so you should just do it.


At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I said b4, this box of chocs is chosen by u, so before u open it, u shld already wat flavours are already inside it. By adopting this mentality will be better:) Afterall, u dun buy a box of chocs expecting it to be ice-cream instead(corny examply but i still like to use it)...:P . 3 yrs is actually a short time considering our working life span. Whizz thru it, and u e at another crossroad once again. Life is about choices. tat wat make life interesting!!

At 6:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was springcleaning and found my old composition book from sec 4. In one of the pages, I wrote a short piece about teaching in the future. Apparently at the young innocent age of 16 (alright not so young but still quite naive :P), I postulated that teaching will migrate to virtual networks and everyone stays at home and studies vie the computer. I suggested that since teachers can run pre-programmed teaching softwares and just keep students busy infront of the computer screens doing homework (literally), the teachers can just laze around drinking coffee!... my teacher remarked in red:"and what's wrong with that?"... O_o haha ... anyway cheer up, bet you will have as much fun laughing at the ridiculous things teenagers write.

At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if u ask me, you would be better off in going full time as a music teacher. or better still if u really want, go get a degree in music. Do wat you really want.
Come to think of it how many people in the world really got the chance to do wat they wan? Most of them are just working for the $$ and to get life going.

Teaching is not easy esp. with all the red tape and stuff gg on. I believe u should have heard horror story from your fellow friends who are teacher.

At 8:56 AM, Blogger whysohappy said...

sj: I noe the flavours but I won't know how sweet/ bitter the chocs are till i try...It's jus the intensity thingy lah..

jingx:haha your compo sld be quite funny. Can i read it?! keke..yeah tink i wrote ridiculous things too last time. Loads of it actually.

anonymous: please identify yourself leh...curious..anyway i don't know wat i really want actually, though i noe i haf a few options. Teaching is one of them. I'm willing to gif it a go lah..

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Yollev said...

ytd you were telling me the annoymous mite be him?

anyway i agree with the annoymous leh fish...

you really have to TTM this time...
you really wan to teach bor?
scarly no time for music when you full time teaching... i guess la... those teachers always say they busy one ma... unless they tell lies la... you think carefully hor...


At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, u r right. But at least u know e path u r going to take down the road. (chocs=path). Whether is it bitter or sweet, its just like u dunno whether ur path is smooth or rocky. Adventurous is one thing, but just following the path blindly is another... Like others said, do what you want. Not do what u think other wan u to. U still can teach n pursue ur music bit by bit. Time management skills la. At least u r not like me, dun need to zoom ard in planes...Both ur feet still planted on spore ground..

At 11:01 AM, Blogger Serene Huang said...

we can meet in sch for makan! heehee. (after all the cheem stuff your friends said, i have to sound so bimbo!)

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous shall remain Anonymous.

Anyway you just need to think more carefully cos at the end of your 3 years contract, r u gg to continue? or do something else. If the ans. is to do something else, why not do that something else now (if u can afford to do it)!!!

BTW u should know that teaching paino is a good job, all u have to do is to find the right parent who is willingly to pay good $$ for you. Or at most go to yamaha to freelance lor.

At 10:37 AM, Blogger ah keow said...

some pple noe right from the start wat they want (or do they really noe wat they want?), some lucky ones find it along their way, others mite not even find it even till the end...

not all pple noe from the start wat they are looking for in life... sometimes u gotta give it a try b4 u really noe if tats the thing u r searching for... i always believe tat every journey travelled has its value, may it be bitter or sweet, there's always something u will learn n gain from it...

nway life is abt a whole journey of searching, isn't it? juz enjoy the process...

At 12:46 PM, Blogger whysohappy said...

haha...thnks everyone for your advice..i'm in a trance right now...i really don't know whether this is the right thing to do, like many things in life..i'm willing to try it for the experience. I may hate it that i'll swear never to teach anyone anything again or i may love it so much that i want to do it for the rest of my life. I really don't head and heart are both in a mess frankly. But why bother to think about things that i can't predict when living in the now seems more fruitful? :P For now, i just to make each and every day count. I really do cherish the holiday that i'm having now and i'm just going to make the best of it! Be it enrich myself in music, chem, eng or just having pure fun while they all last. Lame i noe, but frankly speaking, i dun tink i've any major regrets in my life yet. ( I hope never!)

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Yollev said...

鱼儿, 鱼儿慢慢游吧… 我想每条路都有美丽的珊瑚, 每条路都有危险… 希望最终你到达的目的地是你所要去的…

watever you do, 我们会全力支持啦…
如果开心, 不需要我们, 我们可以闪一边…
如果不开心, 耳朵永远可以借你诉苦… 哈哈…

At 12:04 PM, Blogger Slacker said...

follow your heart, it knows where to go.

just felt that your inital plan of quiting from your PMO job was to pursue your dream in music. But you digressed and went into teaching... somemore teaching the subjects unrelated to music.
Is this what u really want?

There's still time to consider, but once you have decided, never look back.

We are all behind u!

At 1:33 PM, Blogger whysohappy said...

eh yeah i noe...i fickle-minded..i tink past few months i'm gripped by fear and insecurity of what i'm have little contact with people, to have to be very prudent with my spending, to not know where the path will lead me, to not know if i'll be detached from the real world, to not know if this is really what i want and whether i'm steadfast enough to give up everything else for something i'm not sure if i'm THAT passionate about. The kind of passion that makes makes one sit in front of the piano for 8 straight hours and still be totally enjoying the practice. If i cannot sit there for 8 hours like all the other pianists, what makes me think that i have the faith and passion to overcome all the obstacles along the way?! I know this is self-doubt. And i tink I'm not dogmatic enough to see myself through it. The notion of pursuing your passion as a career is very romantic, but sometimes mayb i just want to do it just as a hobby?! (I don't know) To better myself in it not for the sake of earning money from it, rather just for pure enjoyment of it. It might also seem kind of stupid to pour hundreds of dollars into something that SEEMS to yield no return but i just want to do it. Not for anything else, to just explore my potential in it, at my own pace and time, without conditions or whatever. I'm not sure if this is escapism, cowardice or pragmatism. Mayb it's a bit of everything...hmmm..

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Little Red Dotter said...

Don't fret so much ok? Enjoy every experience! Life is about sampling a bit of this, tasting a little of that...the myriad of flavors from all around will combust to make more colorful memories!

Anyway there's nothing wrong or bad about what you have chosen wat. ;) Shaping lives! Woohooo! (HHAHA) At least you can look back and say, well, I chose that path - been there, done that!

Tee hee. You'd make a damn good teacher! :)

At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe.. just talking about this yesternight.. well... only one advice. if you feel happy doing it, go for it. if you are stressed just thinking of waking up to work... think twice.


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