Saturday, November 12, 2005

What it means to be...

Saw Ww's blog about keeping promises. Decided to do my take on it.
I think i'm one who keeps my promises well. (Er...but i can be forgetful at times. Tell me if i did break my promises. I'll change for the better, i promise. Ha)
If i promise i would do something, you'll see it get done.
If i promise that i'll go somewhere with you, i'll definitely not back out the last minute.
Why? Simply because I've made a promise, a commitment to do something. I keep to it because promises made to me have been broken before. I don't like it. So, i don't do it to others.
Yes, i have a strange and strong temper when it comes to this. I feel as though the code of honour has been broken when it happens. In other words, it really pisses me big time when you break promises. Unless you really have very good reasons. "Meeting other friends instead" don't count as a good reason. It'll only give me more reason to want to kick you in the ass.

And it's not just about breaking the trust between us. It shows how much you value friendship and how much you respect a person, how much you respect me as a friend. I take friendships seriously. Maybe sometimes too seriously for my own good. Yes, i get hurt because of that. But i don't care because i don't want to find out what it feels like to not treat a person earnestly. Or rather, i did it before and the feeling was just horrendous. So fake. Totally repulsive.

Back to promises. I just wanna say: keep your promises. If you can't keep them, don't make them. If you wanna break them, don't do it to me, unless you feel i'm not worth keeping as a friend. And don't let me know you did it to others. My impression of you will definitely fall ten notches.

Wah, i sound scary right? Yes, i am. So, do you still want me as a friend? I certainly hope so :P


At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just to let u know yuke tried to call u on sunday but u didn't pick up the phone

At 8:28 AM, Blogger whysohappy said...

really?!! Was tinking who the person mgt number..sobz..yukie, call again leh!!! So sad, miss your call...

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Yollev said...

haha see lah fish... on the ringtone PLEASE....


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