Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Chemistry Blues

Had my first chemistry content upgrading yesterday. Six hours of chemical conundrum packed in one afternoon. What can i say? My head almost exploded.

The lecturers were not teaching rocket science, but at that rocket speed they were shooting terms, theories and formulae, I left the lectures more confused than enlightened. Within six hours, we covered five chapters. Or rather, we zoomed through them. To give you an idea how fast the lectures were going, here's what lecturer A said: "Yes, i'm going very fast. I'm covering in three hours what i'm supposed to cover in 24 hours actually."

When lecturer B was teaching, i just felt like leaving the room at one point. My mind was fighting a massive war, trying to sieve through the plethora of information to make an itsy-bitsy sense of things. Lecturer B was basking in the glory of glorious Chemistry, speaking with impassioned gusto about the subject. The only problem was this: nobody understood what he was saying at one point. The quiet laughters amongst us were probably mocking the absurdity of the situation and there was an invisible sense of camaradarie even though we did not know one another. A sense of comradeship knowing that we were all in the same boat. Ok, i'm not alone. That's cold comfort, but definitely better than nothing.

I think i might do better with self-study. BUT they are taking attendance for the lectures. So i'll be fighting a few more wars in my mind for the next few weeks. And the reason why I'm writing this blog is cos i've been trying to make some sense of Molecular Orbital Theory and i couldn't. I needed to vent my frustrations. Bond order, molecular orbit(MO), bonding MO, antibonding MO. Any kind soul out there who can explain all these things to me? Not at rocket speed, please! I'm not cut out for this.


At 11:40 PM, Blogger Little Red Dotter said...

When is the test?


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