Monday, March 12, 2007

A Queen's Blessing...

A simple hand-made card. A few lines of words. A birthday card that came 7 months late felt as good as if the card had arrived on my birthday itself.
A card from her Royal Highness, The Queen.
The card, air-flown from Manchester, would not have arrived in such late fashion had the number on the envelope been written as 102 instead of 203.
In the end, The Queen herself, had to personally hand it over to her loyal subject, as she made her annual round to Malaysia and Singapore to bless her beloved subjects with Mandarin oranges and her royal air.
The Saturday she flew back with her Prince PhD to Manchester, the parting wasn't that hard. Probably have gotten more used to not having her around. Probably also because she looks as though she's very happy with her new life.
But seeing the card and reading the contents, boy, drew back lots of memories. I'm gonna miss her again. Sigh.
A card's only a card. But the memories, friendship and well wishes that came along with it made it such a priceless gift.
A simple hand-made card. A few lines of words.
Thank you, Your Royal Highness.
Your beloved servant is touched. Signing off, wishing you the best as you continue with your adventure in that foreign land.


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