Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Number Game

Stay away from me! Because i bite. And chew. A lot.
I admit i'm always one of those who finish their food last.
Hey but i didn't know that would warrant a counting frenzy.
On what?

Make a guess.
All i can say is i'm pretty amused.

A) The average time i take to finish a meal.
B) The extra time i need to finish my food after the first person finishes.
C) The number of people and ants who finish their food before i do.
D) The number of ants that ate the bits left by me, finished the bits and carried the remaining back to their nests.

And the answer is.....
None of the above. Haha. My friends are not wired quite right up there but options C & D are really for loonies.

Now for the real McCoy: the number of times i chew each time i send food into my not-too-puny mouth.

At the last count, it stands at 30 or MORE.
Why do i chew my food so much?
Because I love food!! So much so that i want to savour every bit, every morsel of it. Food is meant to be enjoyed!!
So it's not supposed to be in the same league as black magic where you go "Tada!! Now you see it! Now you don't!"
At least SOME of it should stay on the plate for a while.
Good food is always cooked with love. Hence it should be eaten with love and appreciation. (But i'll take equally long, if not longer, to finish food that taste horrible too. One gulp down. Pause for a minute before holding my breath and gulping another mouthful down.)
Hence my speed of eating. (Hey, those of you who gobble your food, i'm not implying the converse is true ok!!? I'm only speaking for myself)
So i'll stick to my 30 bites. For my love for food. And for the person who cooks it with love.


At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! My my..Empress of Love..You muz've fallen in love many times.. Who's your fav chef? Or the non-baker of the infamous tiramisu? =P Anyway, you dun need sooooooo many bites to savour good food k! Maybe you juz ain't at my level yet..haha..The level where you juz can't lose the momentum of seductive tastes in your mouth.. =p Satisfaction lingers, not mmm-done!-what?-more?!-ok!!-bite30!!


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