Sunday, June 03, 2007

I'm finally seeing the light...for now

I've not blogged for so long that i almost forgot how to login to my blog. And what spurred me to write my first entry after so long?
A human beehive.
A permed head.
Slightly asymmetrical in nature.
One that is ordered. Neat. Stiff.
I almost burst out laughing when i saw it.
I mean, when do you get to see a mobile bee-hive? And up for close scrutiny? And with no bees surrounding it, circumventing any risk of getting stung?
Hardly! And i declared myself lucky for the day. Yes, even I couldn't believe how easy it was to humour myself. So easily satisfied.
So there i was, in a sprightly mood for the rest of the day as i enjoyed my first facial in ages.
It's the school holidays. Although i still have to go back to school, not having to wake up at an hour where u could hardly make sense of anything is a miracle drug that does wonders to annihilate my most feared and revered enemies: dark eye circles and fine lines.
Okay i'm joking. Who am i fooling? Annihilate. Hark!
But at least less obvious.
Age is apparently catching up. Those things on my face could hardly be mistaken for anything else but fine lines. Sigh.
And i'm sighted with a slight paunch too. Oh my goodness!!!
I've lost it.
I'm going to do my yoga now.


At 11:19 AM, Blogger naniz said...

Hey "boyfren"! Gloomed with monday blues, been a while since I read your blog too so decided to do so today :) Timely I guess, since it's been a while you updated your blog! Hehe..

Anyway, ya! Tell me about fine lines...our clock's going tick tock real fast huh?

When will I see ya again? Now that u r having ur holidays? (which I am not though!)

At 9:19 PM, Blogger whysohappy said...

heehee...anytime! Before holiday ends!!
And I'm not kidding...the lines are really appearing...FAST...OMG!!

At 5:34 PM, Blogger naniz said...

Heehee...when r hols ending?
I noe!! especially when i smile..i figured probably i shd just be expressionless so lines wont appear! LOL.

I'm away for staff training next weekend, then off to KL for a wedding till 20th.

I'll be on leave on 21st June :) can meet u anytime! and free after work on week of 25th.


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