Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Life's little musings...

Just when you thought you lost something for good, it appeared right before your eyes without you having to lift a finger. Not even your lil' pinkie.
My favourite pair of pants magically appeared again, after taking a sabbatical of God-knows-how-long. Such is life, ain't it? Peppered with little surprises to brighten up your days.
And just when you're aren't over that ecstasy of restaking your claim on something, something else's gotta give. One of my earrings, Ms Silvery Perlini eloped with a mysterious Mr D right under my nose. Gone. Forever. No chance for even a small hug and a farewell. There goes a gift from friends. This time, i know it'll be gone forever, because i lost it in school. Sobs. Goodbye. I hate losing friends' gifts, however small.
But such is life again. Gaining. Losing. Victory. Defeat.
Not that the victories make the defeats any easier to swallow. But you just learn to accept that that's part of life.


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