Saturday, March 18, 2006

Stressometer Red Alert

Ok, i'm more stressed than i think i am. So please don't come joke with me about me being free, or question me if i'm really that busy. I really AM VERY, VERY busy. And I'm just doing bare minimal to cover my ass. I have 10 or more essays, group work, assignments due over the next month. I'm not talking about getting As or Bs. I don't care for that. I just want to finish my assignments and presentations and spend time with family, friends and on my hobbies. But do your maths and tell me how much time i have for leisure. Almost zilch. Just enough to let me keep my sanity in check.
Don't come near me and ruffle my feathers now. I'll really bite.
The fact that i don't complain doesn't mean I'm not busy. My insouciance is just a front. I need my optimism to keep me going. And I don't see the point of complaining. In fact, i don't have the time to complain. I've not touched my piano for 5 days and i'm bothered. Having more assignments and presentations than my brain can register makes me bothered. The fact that you think I don't care about you makes me bothered. Because i do. But i don't even have enough time for myself. So i really don't have the time to think about you. I'm sorry. I really am. I can't help it. I hope u'll understand. Things will get better in May, i think. Great. I can't go to the library to do my research now cos my eyes are swollen from crying. I'm stranded at home. I can't practice piano because I'm not in a good mood. ARghhh. Don't ask me if i'm ok. I am. Crying is just a form of catharsis for me. No big deal. I don't need care or concern. I just need understanding.
Work is nothing to me. I'm totally competent and completely capable of handling it. Human relations is the one that's crippling me. All i can say is I'm already trying my best. I'm sorry if i don't live up to your expectations. But does care really have to be an overt expression so that the other person knows it explicitly? You know i'll definitely be there if you have an emergency. I'll fly there. But now's just not a good time for me to show my care and concern explicitly. I'm sorry.
A sleep-deprived, rather depressed soul signing off.


At 6:39 PM, Blogger Little Red Dotter said...

hang in there, babe! :)

At 2:43 AM, Blogger Yollev said...


At 4:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't cry, don't cry. things will get better!

At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can relate. I am right there with you on the stress crying thing. I cried myself to sleep last night and woke up all puffy eyed this morning. Crying is a great stress relief for me. Some people smoke, or over eat, or drink too much when they get stressed. Me, I cry my eyes out, and then move on. If you wanna keep in touch and/or share more crying stories,

At 7:11 AM, Blogger Slacker said...

you can do it one.... jia you... tml will be a better day

At 2:19 PM, Blogger bionic said...

crying really helps, but having puffy eyes after tt really's ugly & ur eyes bec more tired!! cool it...indulge in a little cheesecake or chocolate..slp 4 extra 30mins..watever makes it feel beta..switch off ur wat u can/like..

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

been feelin v shitty these few days as well coz I had to cover lotsa asses. just remem if u need to vent, we're here for u.

At 10:52 PM, Blogger whysohappy said...

thanks everyone for your support!! =) I'm ok now lah!Heehee...but work's still up to my throat...


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